Geek Said:
I am a self proclaimed geek that works in IT and spends countless hours pounding the keys at home as well. My job duties include Mac and Windows desktop administration and imaging; Windows, Mac and Linux server administration; Cisco Voice-Over-IP telephony administration; Flash, Windows, Quicktime and Real media streaming; H.323 video conferencing support; Cisco ASA, Switch, and Router administration. About the only thing I don't do is Active Directory and Exchange administration, but I have done that in the past as well. At home I am constantly working to improve my home media center and occasionally play with some interesting technology.
My wife had an idea for me to do a blog titled "Geek Speak" where she would translate my geeky ramblings into easy-to-understand, not-so-techie, somebody-might-actually-read blog entries. A twist on her idea struck me almost immediately and "Geek Said, She Said" was born.
The idea is that I will still do my rambling and everybody will have an opportunity to not understand me, followed by my wife's interpretation of said rambling.
If you want to see short bursts of geek, follow me on Twitter.
Geek out,
She Said:
Yes, my husband is a self proclaimed geek. His interests vary across platforms and devices and applications. I would consider him an early adopter and a tinker-er. Kelly has always enjoyed building and rebuilding systems and trying new things.
Kelly has a deep passion for technology and loves to share the progress of his different projects with friends of all technology levels. What that usually translates into - is a lot of people that don't understand what he's talking about. It's not uncommon for friends and family to comment on his facebook status with a 'I have know idea what your status means'. So - I consider my role in this blog, to take the projects he's working on and make them relevant to the average user.
I'll warn you - I'm in marketing, so its in my nature to take the details and translate them into features and benefits.
Note: I will always have Kelly review and approve my translations to ensure accuracy.
Wendi (Wifey)
Wow... there's so much love flowing that I think I will be sick. I can't wait for the blog where some discord actually comes to light!